Stages 1: The age of the seeds are put into a pool of 5 to 7 days . Total seed spread is only 100 to 200 heads per square meter pool . Preservation Jual Website Murah is about a month old with seed size 2 to 3 cm.
Second stage . Fry from the first stages spread across the pond with the ratio of 100 to 200 pieces per square meter pool size . Old rearing at this stage is 1 month with seed size 3 to 5 cm .
Stages III . Age of seedlings from the second stage cascaded with the ratio of 25 to 50 animals per square meter . About 1 month old preservation . Seed size has reached 5 to 8 cm. At this stage , given the additional feed goldfish bran fine form with the ratio of 3 to 5 % of the total weight of fish fry .
Stage IV , age 3 seed stage . Amount persebarannya 3 to 5 pieces per square meter . The length of the maintenance at this stage, one to measure the seeds into 8 to 12 cm. Add foods like bran pendamoing fine with the same composition as stage III .
Gold Fish Preservation Process
When the seeds have not entered the size of 100 grams , it should be 2 mm pellet feed composition 3 times bobit total seed . Pellets were given 4 times a day to 3 weeks. Preservation goldfish expansion can be done in two ways namely :
Polyculture , which mencamour goldfish with other fish. Comparatively carp 50 % , 20 % tawes fish , fish mujair 30 % . Goldfish or 50 % , 20 % fish and fish Gurame mujair 30 % .
Monoculture . Do not mix with other types of fish and distinguish between males and females in different pools . The system is considered to be the best way .
The process also includes the adoption of Wisata Pulau Pari conservation pool using manure to natural food in the pond stimulated to grow . Another thing worth noting is feeding . Make sure you have the best quality feed with protein , amino acids , carbohydrates , minerals, vitamins and others. Do not also overlook the pool or pond health . Make sure the water is always clean and not contaminated chemicals .
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